Alesha Dixon
Alesha Dixon

I am constantly thinking of different ideas and formats for TV shows. I am in a place where anything is possible if you want to do it.

Alex Graves
Alex Graves

Most TV shows are writing the next episode while you're directing the one you're doing, and they're trying to figure out what they're going to do, and they're putting it all together.

Alfonso Cuaron
Alfonso Cuaron

I left Mexico for artistic survival. If I had stayed, I would have been forced by the government, who control the movie business, to direct TV shows or commercials or infomercials for the government.


I've been donating all the money I earn from the TV shows to a charitable trust.

Alisha Boe
Alisha Boe

I have noticed a growth in demand from audiences to include more women of colour and women to be cast as significant roles in TV shows and movies.

Alison Sweeney
Alison Sweeney

We have stay-in date nights where we make a plan to watch certain TV shows together. 'Survivor,' for example, is our favorite show. And I make a healthy dinner and we sit down and it's our date. I love it.

Alycia Debnam-Carey
Alycia Debnam-Carey

I must say, I always - from experience, when I watch TV shows and I see characters leave without a proper explanation or leave with not enough time, I get irritated. I like it when there's a clean-cut reason or a defining moment where they have to go. Whether that's death or not, I think that's subjective.

Alycia Debnam-Carey
Alycia Debnam-Carey

Film is a lot different. You have the whole script in its entirety, and you have a couple of weeks to learn different scenes, really go over them and rehearse them so when you get to them they're more fleshed out. But TV shows are harder.

Amir Khan
Amir Khan

I've been to so many dos and presentation dinners and TV shows. I've been among all the top stars - soap stars, people from music - it's been brilliant. But I've kept my feet on the ground.

Chris Lilley
Chris Lilley

When I was in school, I was always writing scripts and dressing up as characters. I'd constantly be that guy who'd get up on stage. I used to write imaginary TV shows, like soap operas, for fun.